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Blockchain and the world of work: growing demand for trained professionals
By Mattia Mezzetti profile image Mattia Mezzetti
3 min read

Blockchain And The World Of Work: Growing Demand For Trained Professionals

The development of blockchain technology is increasingly attracting entrepreneurs. The world of work is looking for professionals capable of making the best use of this tool.

The popularity of cryptocurrencies, and the blockchain that validates them, is rising rapidly. Whereas until a few years ago it was a purely niche interest, today we can see how crypto is transforming the way we understand everyday concepts such as money, finance and property. After all, it is now 15 years since Bitcoin became part of our lives. The technology that allows its creation and use has made great strides in this time.

On SpazioCrypto, we want to illustrate the numerous job opportunities related to the spread of blockchain and highlight the related jobs most in demand.

The Heart Button of the Web3 Movement: the Blockchain

Blockchain technology is now being looked at with interest by large and small companies, as well as numerous public businesses. Several entrepreneurs say they are attracted by this novelty and wish to integrate it into their operations in order to increase efficiency.

Based on this observation, more and more people are platforming their careers on the knowledge of blockchain, the beating heart of the Web3 movement. Several economic sectors (financial services, traceability, logistics...) have only to gain from the introduction of a database that is more efficient and secure, as well as decentralised and therefore difficult to attack. In fact, blockchain can facilitate the day-to-day operations of many realities.

As is generally the case, interest in blockchain is creating a demand for new skills: those who understand and know how to exploit the chain can offer services that others do not have, but are increasingly in demand.

The modern world of work is constantly evolving. We should not be surprised; it is inevitable given the continuous technological progress that characterises this historical era. Innovation and the adoption of new technologies can be a real competitive advantage for companies and this reasoning, of course, also applies to blockchain. Let's take a look at the figures related to this technology that are most in demand on the job market today.

Blockchain Developer

The most in-demand profession in this field is certainly that of the blockchain developer. This figure is the one who builds, by his or her own hand, the very foundations of any decentralised network or, alternatively, builds the applications related to it. Platforms, wallets and other decentralised services exist thanks to the skill of these experts.

Cryptocurrencies are a rather new concept and, therefore, the regulatory landscape governing them is not entirely defined. Given their increasing use, however, governments are rapidly filling this gap and the scenario is constantly evolving. The legal expert is the person in charge of reviewing or drafting contracts and agreements related to blockchain technology, also providing guidance and advice on the compliance of individual projects.

Data Analyst

More and more trading companies are entering the world of cryptocurrencies. For this reason, the so-called blockchain data analysis is becoming increasingly important. People are needed to analysing and interpreting the on-chain data, identifying potential trends and enabling their assets to remain always attractive, attracting a greater number of investors.

Blockchain Consultant

The role of the consultant is very useful to any organisation that wants to consider exploiting the blockchain with the aim of improving the efficiency of its operations. The consultant will therefore be a person with a knowledge of both the blockchain and current market trends. Only in this way will he be able to develop and advise on the best actions to take in order to put the most modern technologies at the service of the operations required by the entrepreneur he serves.

Marketing Manager and Community Manager

These two professions are much less technical than those listed so far. A marketing manager, as the name suggests, organises and manages marketing campaigns to promote and publicise a company's products. The community manager, on the other hand, is engaged in the creation and promotion of an online community around a company or product.

Generally, these professionals make use of platforms such as X (Twitter), Reddit, YouTube, Telegram or Discord. These are different vehicles but fulfil the same role: they connect a company with its customers or target audience. Managers of this kind, therefore, need to fully understand these platforms and master the best strategies to engage with their users.

The Importance of Training

The fact that the professions described are increasingly sought after is well known to all those in the industry. For this reason, there are those who offer training courses that aim to create tomorrow's professionals in the blockchain sector.

The exchange platform Bitnet has created the Blockchain4Youth programme precisely in order to promote these professions and educate the younger generation in the use of the latest tools. Bitget wants to inspire more and more people to use cryptocurrencies and exploit decentralisation. If, in doing so, it initiates young people into professions in this sector, all the better.

By Mattia Mezzetti profile image Mattia Mezzetti
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