About us | Spaziocrypto
By Spaziocrypto profile image Spaziocrypto
8 min read

About Us

Our vision is to become the leading Italian reference point for information and learning in the vast world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and finance. We are determined to create a virtuous environment where access to high quality content.



Riccardo Curatolo
Founder & Managing Partner


An economist passionate about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Riccardo holds a degree in Economics and is the founder of Spaziocrypto.com, a news website in the sector.
Specializing in networking, he is oriented towards new challenges and believes in the power of collaboration. His decade-long experience in the United Kingdom has honed his problem-solving, management, and customer service skills, allowing him to excel in communication and collaboration with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Riccardo is determined to continue deepening his expertise in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, constantly exploring new opportunities for innovation and growth.

Media & Graphic Design

Luca Polo
Graphic Designer & Innovation


Luca Polo, another co-founder of Ziken Labs, is an expert graphic designer and innovation manager who blends creativity, technology, and innovation. His passion for design has been rooted since childhood, meticulously cultivated to become the cornerstone of his career. His interest in computer science and digital security has further strengthened his affinity for technology, leading him to delve into the world of blockchain around 2019.
His belief in innovation as the driving force of humanity is what propelled him to pursue a degree in industrial design at La Sapienza University in Rome. Always in search of the most efficient and elegant solutions to problems, Luca considers his ability to find innovative solutions one of his distinctive characteristics.
Luca has always traveled extensively, building relationships with people from around the world. This has sharpened his communication skills and ability to work in teams. Fluent in English and Serbian, and with a good understanding of Spanish, Luca can easily adapt to different situations and contexts.
When not immersed in design projects, digital trends, or the latest article from TheHackerNews, Luca explores cities and remote places or leaves his artistic mark through murals on decaying walls. His life, between art, technology, and travel, is a clear example of his relentless pursuit of innovation and creativity.


Fabrizio Pepe
SEO Copywriting


Fabrizio is the co-founder of Ziken Labs, an Innovation & Growth Lab that offers customized solutions to help brands and promising projects grow, scale, and succeed. He has always focused on nurturing and growing projects, with various entrepreneurial activities under his belt, ranging from e-commerce to marketing and editorial management.
He strongly believes in Web3 and is at the forefront of providing impartial and transparent information, striving to remove any unconscious biases and providing objective and unbiased knowledge.
Fabrizio's passion for knowledge is reflected in his avid reading of books on various topics, a habit that has allowed him to develop a broad vision of the world and the opportunities surrounding him.
Commitment and dedication are among Fabrizio's distinguishing traits, as he endeavors to build valuable projects and businesses with extraordinary versatility. His creative mind is always seeking new challenges and innovative ways to grow his ideas and create a positive impact on his company and the surrounding community.

Marco Gagliardi


After earning a degree in Public and Private Administration Organizations from the University of Catanzaro, they entered the workforce through two significant internships. The first, at a small individual enterprise, provided them with skills in sales management, inventory management, and customer service. Subsequently, at the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, they delved into teamwork, interpersonal relationships, and expanded their knowledge of public administration.
Less than a month after graduation, they began working in the administration of a prominent dealership in Calabria while simultaneously collaborating as a copywriter with a new marketing agency, primarily focusing on web3-related content.
In addition to the skills acquired during their studies and in the workforce, they developed a solid mastery of personal finance, dedicating particular attention to the management and optimization of their financial and time resources. They have a preference for developing strategies and processes that maximize efficiency without compromising quality output. Always on the lookout for new opportunities, they stay updated on the latest trends.
With a consolidated experience in the web3 sector, managing NFT projects on blockchain and their respective communities since 2017, they have acquired an in-depth understanding of the entire industry.
Outside of work, their interests include sports and music. They are passionate about soccer and self-taught in playing the piano and guitar. With a minimalist lifestyle, they prefer simplicity and detest waste.

Mattia Mezzetti


Born in Fano in 1991, he graduated from the "G. Torelli" Scientific High School in his hometown and later obtained a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Urbino "Carlo Bo". He received a score of 101/110 with a thesis entitled "The Role of the Automobile in American Cinema."
Following his education, he began his career in the tourism sector, working as a receptionist at various hotels. He then dedicated a year to the experience of Civil Service and later worked as a editor at "Quid Editori", focusing on design and architecture as a content editor for the publisher's magazines and social media content.
Following the dissolution of the company and the pandemic, he ventured into freelance work, continuing to create articles and web content for architecture magazines such as "Progetti" and "DesignPlaza", as well as for webzines including "Touchdown Magazine", "L'EcoPost", "Where Magic Happens", "Trend-Online", and the copywriting platform "Contents.com"

Luna Saracino


Luna was born in Taranto in 1986. She began to speak at a very early age, abetted perhaps by a desire to express herself. As soon as she also learns to write, she realizes that words on paper are her preferred means of communication. Luna writes everywhere: on sheets of paper, cardboard, in secret journals, even on walls. Writing becomes her favorite tool, both to express herself and to tell stories.

At 18, she leaves Taranto to move to Rome, where she begins studying Performing Arts and Sciences. In the meantime, she begins an internship in a publishing agency, specializing in writing texts, articles and essays on the world of cinema, video game literature. She graduated in Film History and Criticism in 2010, with a thesis on vampires.

Luna loves watching movies, reading books, and listening to music. Above all, Luna is curious and passionate and it is this curiosity that will push her towards the world of copywriting and communication. In 2016 she began to collaborate with different digital realities and slowly forged her style, her research, her method. Writing becomes, finally, her job.

In 2019 she founded, together with a group of friends, Bad Toast, a video production company specializing in video clips, commercials and documentaries. Today, Luna works as a freelancer for different publishing and digital realities, as a copywriter, as a consultant, project manager.

Clara Rosati


Clara Rosati, class of 1993 was born in Orvieto, and graduated with a thesis entitled: “The birth of blockchain: from Bitcoin to Ethereum.”

Passionate about political and economic issues, she has collaborated with various newspapers in which she has written about issues related to European Union economic policies and the crypto sector.


Our vision is to become the leading Italian reference point for information and learning in the vast world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and finance.
We are determined to create a virtuous environment where access to high quality content, backed by solid research and accurate analysis, can empower people to make informed and responsible decisions.

Furthermore, we are shaping a close-knit, impartial community where interaction and knowledge sharing are valued.

With our free educational section, we aim to make even the most complex concepts understandable, opening the door to technological and financial innovation for anyone who wishes to participate.

Impartiality and Transparency

In our world, the media have the ability to greatly influence the course of action of most people.

Unfortunately, this power is often abused by many to advance a particular agenda.
Here at Spaziocrypto, we are dedicated to providing the latest and most important news from an unbiased perspective.

The Values of Spaziocrypto

Spaziocrypto adheres to a strict editorial policy guided by trust, transparency, objectivity and quality.

We screen all our advertisers to ensure that they are legitimate. Spaziocrypto does not conduct business with companies that use misleading marketing or refuse to publicly identify team members.

Our Mission

Our primary mission is to create an unrivalled Italian crypto enthusiast community, providing a reliable source of news, analysis and insights into the world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and finance.

Why Do We Exist

Our existence is driven by an ambitious vision: to become the main Italian reference point in the world of cryptocurrencies, blockchain and finance. We want to create a virtuous environment where access to high quality content, backed by solid research and accurate analysis, can empower people to make informed and responsible decisions.

We are committed to shaping an impartial and close-knit community where interaction and knowledge sharing are valued. Through our free educational section, we aim to make even the most complex concepts understandable, opening doors to technological and financial innovation for anyone who wishes to participate.

How Do We Earn Money?

It is important to understand our business model to ensure transparency and trust in our operations. This is how we generate revenue:

- Advertising and Sponsorships: We partner with legitimate companies in the cryptocurrency and finance industry to promote their products and services. Sponsorships and advertisements on our website make up a significant portion of our revenue.

- Affiliations: Some of the links on our website may be affiliate links. When a user clicks on one of these links and completes an action, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a service, we may receive a commission from the partner company.

- Premium Content: We offer premium content, such as advanced courses or exclusive reports, which can be accessed via paid subscription or single purchase. This content is designed to provide added value to users interested in a deeper level of knowledge.

- Events and Seminars: We organise paid events, webinars and seminars to provide education and networking for cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts. Tickets for such events are a source of revenue for our company.
We strive to maintain transparency on how we earn money and ensure that our sources of income never influence our editorial independence and objectivity in the information we provide to our readers.

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)

How do you choose advertisers and partners?

We carefully select our advertisers and partners to ensure that they are legitimate and offer value to our users.
We assess their reputation, the quality of their products or services and the transparency of their business practices before establishing a partnership.

How can I distinguish sponsored content from editorial articles?

Sponsored articles are clearly marked as such and are separate from our editorial content.
We strive to maintain a clear distinction between sponsored content, these can be found with the TAG ‘Promoted’ to ensure transparency and honesty.

How can I participate in events and seminars organised by Spaziocrypto?

Events and seminars organised by Spaziocrypto are publicised on our website and social media channels. Interested users can register via the links provided and attend our events subject to availability.

How can I contact Spaziocrypto Customer Support?

You can contact our customer support via email, contact form on our website or through our social media channels. We will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with any problems you may have.

Do you offer financial advice or advice on cryptocurrency investments?

No, Spaziocrypto does not provide financial advice or offer investment advice on cryptocurrencies. We are committed to providing information, news and analysis in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
All financial decisions and investments should be made based on your own research and qualified professional advice, if necessary.

By Spaziocrypto profile image Spaziocrypto
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