Alex Mashinsky
Alex is a serial entrepreneur, founder of seven New York-based start-ups, who has raised over $1 billion and received a profit of 3.
Alex is a serial entrepreneur, founder of seven New York-based start-ups, who has raised over $1 billion and received a profit of 3.
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Alex is a serial entrepreneur, founder of seven New York-based startups, who has raised over $1 billion and made over $3 billion.
Currently, he is CEO of Celsius Network.
Mashinsky has also been a speaker at over 120 conferences and television interviews and the author of over 32 patents related to exchanges, VOIP, messaging and communication.
Mashinsky has received numerous awards for innovation, including being named twice by E&Y as Entrepreneur of the Year in 2002 and 2011, Crain's Top Entrepreneur 2010, and the prestigious 2000 Albert Einstein Medal for Technology and the Technology Foresight Award for Innovation (presented in Geneva at Telecom 99). .
Mashinsky is considered one of the pioneers of VOIP, with fundamental patents dating back to 1994, many of today's hardware and software designs originated from these early ideas. As a leader in web-based exchanges,
Alex has authored patents covering aspects of Smart Grid, Ad exchange, Groupon, Twitter, Skype, App Store, Netflix streaming concept and many other high-performance web companies. In addition, Arbinet's fundraising story was featured as a Case Study in 2001 by Harvard Business School.
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All images, branding and wording are copyright Alex Mashinsky . All content on this page is used for informational purposes only. Spaziocrypto has no affiliation or relationship with the person mentioned on this page.
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