MicroStrategy's Saylor: First Country to Buy Bitcoin by Issuing Currency Wins - Spaziocrypto
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By Riccardo Curatolo profile image Riccardo Curatolo
3 min read

MicroStrategy's Saylor: First Country to Buy Bitcoin by Issuing Currency Wins

Saylor's conviction is clear: Bitcoin represents the future of money, and those who recognise it first will reap significant benefits.

In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy, has become one of the most influential voices in favour of Bitcoin. His latest statement is generating considerable hype: he claims that the first country to buy Bitcoin by issuing its own currency will gain a substantial competitive advantage globally. This bold statement is not only a testament to Saylor's firm belief in Bitcoin, but also a strategic insight into the future of national economies.

The Rise of Bitcoin and Its Global Impact

Bitcoin, since its inception in 2009, has steadily transformed from an obscure digital asset into a mainstream financial instrument. Its journey has been characterised by volatility, scepticism and, eventually, growing acceptance among institutional investors and even nation states. Bitcoin's decentralised nature, coupled with its potential to act as a hedge against inflation, has made it an attractive asset in uncertain economic times.

MicroStrategy's Bet on Bitcoin

MicroStrategy, under Saylor's leadership, has been at the forefront of Bitcoin's corporate adoption. The company has invested over $4 billion in Bitcoin, a move that has both fascinated and perplexed mainstream financial analysts. Saylor's conviction is clear: Bitcoin represents the future of money, and those who recognise it first will reap significant benefits.

The Concept of Issuing Currency to Buy Bitcoin

Saylor's most recent proposal revolves around the idea that a country could issue its own currency to buy Bitcoin. This innovative approach could transform the way states manage their store of value and their monetary supply.

A New Economic Paradigm

The adoption of Bitcoin as a national store of value would represent an economic paradigm shift. Traditionally, a country's store of value consists of foreign currencies, gold and other stable assets. However, introducing Bitcoin into this mix could offer unique advantages:

  1. Inflation Protection: Bitcoin is often seen as 'digital gold' due to its limited supply. This makes it resistant to inflation, a problem that plagues many fiat currencies.
  2. Decentralisation and Security: Bitcoin's decentralised nature makes it less susceptible to government manipulation and economic crises that can affect traditional currencies.
  3. Global Access: Bitcoin is a global currency, not bound by the borders of a single country. This makes it particularly useful for nations wishing to increase their economic influence internationally.

Examples of Bitcoin Adoption at National Level

While the idea of issuing currency to purchase Bitcoin may seem radical, some countries have already begun to explore cryptocurrency adoption at the national level. El Salvador, for example, has made Bitcoin a legal tender in 2021, with the aim of improving financial inclusion and attracting foreign investment. Although this move has met with both praise and criticism, it represents a significant step towards legitimising Bitcoin as a national store of value.

Challenges and Opportunities

Adopting Bitcoin nationwide brings both challenges and opportunities. The main challenges include Bitcoin's price volatility, regulatory concerns and the need for adequate technological infrastructure. However, the opportunities presented by an early adoption of Bitcoin are equally significant:

  1. Competitive Advantage: The first country to adopt Bitcoin could attract investment and technological talent, positioning itself as a leader in financial innovation.
  2. Economic Stability: In times of economic crisis or hyperinflation, Bitcoin could offer a stable and secure store of value.
  3. Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies can improve access to financial services for unbanked populations, promoting economic growth.


Michael Saylor's vision of a country issuing currency to purchase Bitcoin is bold and forward-thinking. While nationwide Bitcoin adoption carries risks, the potential rewards for pioneers are immense. In an increasingly digitised world, Bitcoin represents a new economic frontier, and the first country to seize this opportunity could indeed 'win' in the long run.

As we watch global economic policies evolve, it will be interesting to see which nation will be the first to take this bold step and how this decision will affect the global economic landscape. One thing is certain: the debate about Bitcoin and its role in the future of the global economy is far from over.

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By Riccardo Curatolo profile image Riccardo Curatolo
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