Cryptocurrency Staking - Spaziocrypto
By Ziken Labs profile image Ziken Labs
7 min read

Cryptocurrency Staking: Safe Passive Income?

Cryptocurrency staking represents an advanced way of participating in the blockchain, which is fundamental in the context of decentralised finance (DeFi). But what does 'staking' actually mean? In simple terms, the term comes from the English verb 'to stake', which means 'to bet' or

Cryptocurrency staking represents an advanced way of participating in the blockchain, which is fundamental in the context of decentralised finance (DeFi). But what does 'staking' actually mean? In simple terms, the term comes from the English verb 'to stake', which means 'to bet' or 'to put in play'. In the context of cryptocurrencies, the process of staking involves depositing a certain amount of a cryptocurrency into a digital wallet, 'locking' it for a certain amount of time, and receiving rewards in cryptocurrencies in return.

How Does Cryptocurrency Staking Work?

In this article from Spaziocrypto's Web3 Guide, we will understand the fundamental concept of staking. At the heart of this mechanism is the concept of actively participating in the security and functioning of the blockchain by providing one's cryptocurrency as a guarantee for the validation of transactions. In return for this service, in cryptocurrency staking, users are rewarded with new coins or tokens, thus creating an incentive mechanism that promotes adherence to the network and its stability.

The Consensus Protocol: Proof-of-Stake

The staking process is based on proof-of-stake (PoS) technology or its variant, delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS). While the proof-of-work (PoW), used by cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, requires participants to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions, PoS allows participants to 'bet' their tokens to earn the right to validate transactions and add new blocks to the chain.

Deposited tokens are not permanently locked, allowing users to withdraw them at any time, although in some cases a certain period must be waited before funds can be unlocked and withdrawn. Early withdrawal may also entail penalties in the form of loss of returns or part of the tokens wagered. This incentive system creates a balance between active participation in the network and the flexibility of users.

Associated Advantages and Risks of Cryptocurrency Staking

The staking of cryptocurrencies offers a number of advantages, the most obvious of which is the possibility of earning a passive annuity. While traditional bank deposits may offer minimal interest, staking can generate significantly higher returns, thus helping to diversify income sources. We explore in detail the advantages and risks associated with this practice, to fully understand the extent of the opportunities and challenges it offers.

Advantages of Staking

  • Higher returns than traditional bank deposits: One of the most obvious advantages is the ability to generate higher returns than traditional bank deposits. While banks offer minimal interest, staking allows users to earn an annual percentage on their wagered cryptocurrencies, contributing significantly to the diversification of income sources.
  • Active Participation in the Blockchain
  • : The process is not only about passive earnings, but also about active participation in the blockchain. Depositing a quantity means contributing to the security and integrity of the network, creating an environment in which decentralisation is favoured over traditional models.
  • Inflation Reduction: In some cryptocurrency projects, staking can help reduce currency inflation. This is done by limiting the supply in circulation, creating a supply and demand dynamic that can positively influence the value of the cryptocurrency over time.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Staking allows investors to diversify their portfolios dynamically. In the same way that investments are spread across stocks, bonds and other traditional financial instruments, this mechanism allows investors to bet on different cryptocurrencies, thus managing risk more broadly.

Risk Considerations of Staking

  • Market Volatility: The characteristic volatility of markets is an inherent risk of staking cryptocurrencies. The value of invested tokens can vary significantly in the short term, influenced by market factors, news and global trends. Investors should be aware of this element and carefully assess their risk tolerance.
  • Security Risk: Although the blockchain is designed to be secure, there are still risks associated with managing the staking process. Users must be careful to use trustworthy platforms and adopt robust security practices, such as the use of hardware wallets, to protect their digital assets.
  • Possibility of Penalties: In some staking systems, early withdrawal of funds can result in penalties in the form of loss of annuities or even a portion of the tokens wagered. This feature requires a considered approach and careful planning by investors.
  • Technical Knowledge Required: Participating in cryptocurrency staking requires a technical understanding of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain protocols involved. Lack of knowledge can increase the risk of operational errors or poor financial decisions.

The Best Cryptocurrencies for Staking

Let's carefully review the cryptocurrencies that offer the highest returns in the context of staking, providing a detailed overview of the characteristics of each and the betting process involved.

Cosmos (ATOM) - Annual Yield of 22.0%

The Cosmos blockchain uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism and rewards bettors with the native token, ATOM. Staking on Cosmos is essential for the validation of transactions, and offers returns of up to 22%.

Near (NEAR) - Annual Yield of 11%

Near is a blockchain platform designed for the development and execution of dApps. For staking on NEAR, users can delegate their tokens to validators on the NEAR network, who participate in securing the network and validating transactions.

MultiversX (EGLD) - Annual Yield of 9.4%

MultiversX, formerly known as Elrond, is a blockchain platform designed to support the development of DeFi. The native EGLD token offers several functionalities, including staking, proxies, payment of fees and participation in governance.

Solana (SOL) - Annual Yield of 7.0%

Solana is a blockchain platform designed to host highly scalable decentralised applications. Staking on Solana involves assigning SOL tokens to validators, increasing the weight of their vote to achieve proof-of-stake consensus.

Tezos (XTZ) - Annual Yield of 7.0%

Tezos is a decentralised blockchain platform that enables the creation and execution of smart contracts. For staking on Tezos, one can delegate one's tokens to a staking provider via a supported wallet or delegation service.

Hedera (HBAR) - Annual Yield of 6.5%

Hedera Hashgraph, or Hedera, is a decentralised public network that aims to provide a secure and scalable platform for the development of decentralised applications (dApps). Users can delegate their tokens to trusted validators who ensure the security of the network and participate in the consensus.

Ethereum (ETH) - Annual Yield of 5.0%

Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation, offers several features such as smart contracts, decentralised applications and the possibility to create new cryptocurrencies. To staking on Ethereum, users can deposit a minimum of 32 ETH to enable the validator software, gaining responsibility for storing data, processing transactions and contributing new blocks to the blockchain.

Cardano (ADA) - Annual Yield of 5.0%

Cardano is a decentralised blockchain that uses a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, offering improved efficiency compared to traditional proof-of-work networks. ADA, Cardano's native cryptocurrency, is awarded to users who contribute to the blockchain by participating in betting pools and conducting activities in the network.

Binance Coin (BNB) - Annual Yield of 5.0%

Binance Coin is the cryptocurrency created by crypto exchange Binance. By staking on BNB, users temporarily allow the exchange to use their tokens to support the operations of the Binance network, contributing to the security and functionality of the proof-of-stake network.

Tron (TRX) - Annual Yield of 5.0%

The Tron network focuses on providing autonomy to creators and consumers of media content through the TRX token. By betting on TRX with a Super Representative validator, users contribute to the security of the network and earn rewards, while betting on a validator enables energy storage, an essential component for the smart contracts.

Polygon (MATIC) - Annual Yield of 4.2%

Polygon, represented by the MATIC token, is a cryptocurrency and technology platform designed to facilitate connectivity and scalability between blockchain networks. By staking on MATIC, users can either lock their tokens on an exchange or delegate them directly to a public validator.

Strategies for Optimising the Staking Process

Now that we have reviewed the most promising cryptocurrencies for staking, it is critical to develop an effective strategy for maximising returns and mitigating the risks associated with this practice. Let's consider some key strategies for an optimal approach.

Portfolio Diversification: Investing in a variety of cryptocurrencies can reduce the overall risk of your portfolio. Distribute your positions intelligently between established cryptocurrencies and newer, more promising projects.

Constant Yield Monitoring: Rates of return in the world of cryptocurrency staking can change rapidly. Regularly monitor the returns of your positions and adjust your strategy according to changing market conditions.

Active Participation in Governance:Some cryptocurrencies allow investors to participate in the governance of the protocol. Take advantage of this opportunity to influence development decisions and ensure greater transparency and security in the network.

Risk and Return Assessment: Before you start staking a cryptocurrency, carefully assess the risk/return ratio. Realise that higher returns often come with higher risk. Find a balance that fits your risk profile.

Protocol Updates and Future Developments:Keep an eye on protocol updates and future developments of the cryptocurrencies you invest in. The continuous evolution of a project can affect the performance and security of the network.

How to Start Staking Cryptocurrencies?

Follow these guidelines for a smooth start:

1. Choose the Appropriate Cryptocurrency:Based on your strategy and goals, select the cryptocurrency that best suits your Staking needs.

2. Get the Tokens You Need: Buy or transfer tokens of your selected cryptocurrency to your wallet. Make sure you have enough to meet the minimum staking requirements.

3. Select a Staking Method: Choose from the staking options offered by the cryptocurrency, which could include delegating to validators, managing your own validator node, or using centralised or decentralised exchanges.

4. Configure the Staking Process: Follow the instructions provided by the platform or protocol to configure your staking process. You may need to delegate tokens, start a validator node, or follow other specific steps.

5. Monitor and Optimise: After starting your staking process, monitor your positions regularly. Evaluate performance, check for protocol updates and make any necessary optimisations.

Embracing the Potential of Cryptocurrency Staking

In this journey through the world of cryptocurrency staking, we explore the opportunities this practice offers investors seeking secure passive annuities. Portfolio diversification, careful project analysis and prudent risk management are key elements in successfully navigating this dynamic sector. The ability to actively participate in the governance of blockchain networks and influence the fate of cryptocurrencies adds a layer of involvement and responsibility that goes beyond the simple act of owning tokens.

The Future of Decentralised Finance (DeFi)

Cryptocurrency staking represents just one aspect of the landscape of decentralised finance (DeFi), a revolution that is redefining our traditional understanding of finance. As blockchain technology evolves, new protocols are emerging, offering increasingly sophisticated and sustainable solutions. Adoption of cryptocurrencies and DeFi practices is growing exponentially, with global participation reflecting interest and trust in this new financial paradigm. Investors who embrace change and fully understand the dynamics of cryptocurrency staking are well-positioned to take advantage of the evolving opportunities in this sector.

In spite of market fluctuations, in our Web3 Guide to CryptoSpace, we recommend maintaining a long-term view. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are shaping the financial future in innovative ways.

By Ziken Labs profile image Ziken Labs
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Web3 Guide DeFi Crypto Token Smart Contracts