Token Unlocks to Watch in July 2024 - Spaziocrypto
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By Luna Saracino profile image Luna Saracino
2 min read

Token Unlocks to Watch in July 2024

The July token release is set to revolutionise the market, reaching staggering figures.

July's token unlocks are set to revolutionise the market, reaching mind-boggling figures.

The month of July is full of interesting news directly from the cryptocurrency world. The Token Unlocks application revealed that unlocks for upcoming tokens and cryptocurrencies ready to be launched on the market could reach $122 million. This is an important step for both long-term investors and traders who are mainly active in short-term transactions.

The importance of token unlocks

Token Unlocks is not only the name of the application that has been working for years to simplify and speed up the buying and selling processes in the crypto world. The term 'token unlocks' refers to a specific operation, literally 'token unlocking', which follows the launch of a digital currency before its actual and potential use.

The unblocking of tokens is a crucial moment for investors, no doubt, but also for VCs, Venture Capital, and thus for the whole slew of people, personalities and investors leading crypto projects who have applied for funding in the early phase of the project. In cases such as this, the aim is above all to obtain the distribution of their tokens at favourable prices upon release.

How token unlocking works

The tokens unlocks are not immediate: on the contrary, they are often monthly - as in this case - and somehow manage to significantly influence the crypto market trend (and not only). The gradual release of tokens, in fact, often tends to create bearish pressure and in some cases bullish pressure. In any case, the introduction of a coin or token into the market is decisive for a market, whether it is up or down.

Token unlocks and cryptocurrencies to watch out for in July

In the month of July 2024, therefore, we will have several token unlocks, but what happened in the first week is really surprising: at least a dozen tokens unlocked to the value of $100 million. Let's find out which ones to actually keep an eye on in this second half of the month.

We start with Uniswap, which is set to release8.33 million UNI tokens worth around 78 million. Aptos and Arbitrum are also set to proceed with their usual token unlock of the month, worth a combinedapproximately $150 million.

Worldcoin and the tokens destined for the community

On 24 July Worldcoin will release6.62 million WLD tokens, worth approximately $18 million. The distribution will last more than two years and will primarily involve the existing community and the entire development team that has participated in the project over the years.

AltLayer and the tokens released to the team

On 25 July, AltLayer is poised to "release" 684 million ALT tokens onto the market, with a total value of $119 million, or 22% of its market capitalisation. A large part of these tokens, however, will be distributed to investors, consultants and teams involved in the development of the protocol, from the treasury to the community. In this way, they could avoid a considerable price increase over time.

To end the month on a high note Ronin, which will release some 36 million RON tokens worth approximately76 million dollars as of 27 July.

By Luna Saracino profile image Luna Saracino
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