Cryptocurrencies in Italy: the North is more inclined to invest
From a general overview, North and South are almost mirror-like in terms of interest and investment in cryptocurrencies
From a general overview, North and South are almost mirror-like in terms of interest and investment in cryptocurrencies
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From a general overview, North and South are almost mirror-like in terms of interest and investment in cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies in Italy are catching on exponentially: despite being somewhat behind other European countries, the spread of cryptocurrencies is finally expanding in the Belpaese as well. As often happens, however, the North and the South do not welcome this novelty in the same way: it seems, in fact, that the North is much more inclined to introduce cryptocurrencies into their economy - compared to a somewhat more timorous and cautious South Italy.
Italy's exponential interest in crypto currencies
The latest Google data collection shows us an interesting picture: although Italy is indeed still a country lagging behind the rest of the world, both in cryptocurrencies and in blockchain, it seems that since March 2024 there has been a real growth of interest and investing in the crypto worldin general. One of the reasons for this small - big - change could be due to the stable prices of digital currencies, which make any speculation difficult (and in some cases also reassure potential investors).
The watershed between North and South
Italians invest in cryptocurrencies, even if timidly, but interest does not seem to be homogeneous: on the contrary, according to some research, there seems to be a sort of watershed between North and South, in some cases quite evident. In the top ten positions of the ranking, we find:
In the second part of the ranking, from position 11 onwards, we find:
Except for a few regions scattered here and there in the ranking,the gap between North and South is quite evident. Just look at the first four positions in the ranking in comparison with the last four: in pole position we have Lombardy, Trentino Alto Adige, Liguria and Piedmont; closing the list, instead, are Calabria, Basilicata, Sicily and Molise.
The Bitcoin situation in Italy
Let's try, now, to do an even more specific and in-depth search, narrowing the magnifying glass on a specific cryptocurrency: Bitcoins. Here an interesting scenario opens up: not everyone who is actually interested in the world of cryptocurrencies has actually chosen to invest in Bitcoins. In contrast, it seems that Bitcoins travel better in regions where interest in digital currencies is more circumscribed.
Bitcoin: North and South compared
The top ten ranking, then, if we replace cryptocurrencies with Bitcoins is as follows:
Also in this overview, the majority of cities that have shown specific interest in bitcoin digital currency are increasingly in the north (with the exception of regions such as Marche or Abruzzo). One figure that stands out as very interesting is that of Liguria, in third place for interest and investment in cryptocurrencies, but in tenth place when it comes to Bitcoin specifically.
If we take a look at the final part of the ranking, therefore, we will find:
Even in this second part of the ranking, where Molise is practically last in the ranking of regions interested in the world of cryptocurrencies, it jumps to thirteenth place for specific interest in Bitcoins.
North vs South: an unbridgeable gap?
Basically, one concept seems clear, even at first glance. The further north one goes in Italy, the more one finds regions that are well prepared to welcome the world of cryptocurrencies; the further south one goes, the further we move away from both digital currencies and Bitcoins specifically. The only certainty is that, as is often the case, Italy can split in two almost surgically - even when it comes to cryptocurrencies.
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