G20 and International Cryptocurrency Regulation - Spaziocrypto
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By Riccardo Curatolo profile image Riccardo Curatolo
3 min read

G20 and International Cryptocurrency Regulation

During the G20 summit in New Delhi, leaders of major global economies approved the implementation of an international regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.

In recent days, the cryptocurrency world has witnessed a crucial development for its future: during the G20 summit in New Delhi, leaders of major global economies approved the implementation of an international regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies.

This scheme, known as Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF), marks an important step towards greater transparency and security in the cryptocurrency sector globally.

This article explores the importance of this initiative, its impact on crypto transactions and the implications for the international financial market.

The G20 Framework for Cryptocurrencies

The G20, which includes countries such as the United States, China, India, and the European Union, has emphasised the need for uniform rules for the handling of cryptocurrencies, proposing regulation covering both unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet providers.

The proposed Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) was initially introduced by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in October 2022. Its main objective is to give tax authorities access to detailed information regarding cryptocurrency transactions, allowing them to better monitor cross-border financial activities and prevent tax evasion practices.

Implementation of the CARF: What Will Change

The new framework will come into force by 2027, an essential step in regulating a still relatively young and exponentially growing market. The CARF requires member countries to automatically exchange information on crypto transactions every year.

This will apply to all transactions made on unregulated platforms, including transactions made through wallet providers. The regulation will require each transaction to be accompanied by user details, such as the name and address of the wallet, to ensure that each transaction can be tracked transparently.

Importance of the Framework for Security of Cryptocurrencies

One of the main problems faced by the cryptocurrency market is the lack of uniform regulation, which has led to instances of fraud, tax evasion and illicit use of cryptocurrencies. With the CARF, crypto transactions will be subject to greater scrutiny, similar to what already exists for traditional financial assets.

The CARF will help reduce the risk of fraud and abuse in the cryptocurrency sector by making it more difficult for users to exploit platforms for illegal activities.

In particular, stablecoins, which are increasingly used in global transactions, will be subject to stricter supervision. The recommendations endorsed by the G20 include measures similar to those applied to traditional banking systems, providing greater protection for users and the market.

Implications for Europe and the US

The European Union has already started to implement the first steps of the CARF, with the approval of new rules in May 2024. According to these rules, every digital asset transfer will have to include the beneficiary's details, including wallet address and account number. This system is designed to prevent money laundering practices and ensure greater transparency in cryptocurrency transactions

In the US, pressure to regulate the cryptocurrency market has increased due to a series of scandals and failures of crypto platforms. With the implementation of the CARF, the US will also have access to detailed information on cryptocurrency transactions, facilitating scrutiny by tax authorities and reducing opportunities for financial abuse.

Opportunity for the Future

Although increased regulation may seem like a challenge for cryptocurrency users, it also represents an opportunity for the market to grow. With increased transparency and security, cryptocurrencies will be able to attract more and more institutional investors, strengthening their presence in the global financial system.

The adoption of global regulations could also facilitate the use of cryptocurrencies in areas such as international trade, where speed and transparency of transactions are crucial. Standardising rules will also improve interoperability between different platforms, reducing risks and making cryptocurrencies more accessible to users worldwide.


The G20's decision to adopt an international regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies is a key step towards creating a safer and more transparent financial market.

The implementation of the CARF will ensure that cryptocurrency transactions are monitored and regulated appropriately, reducing risks to users and the global financial system. In a market that continues to evolve rapidly, this regulation is crucial to promote trust and ensure long-term sustainable growth.

By Riccardo Curatolo profile image Riccardo Curatolo
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