ETHRome 2024: Italy's first web3 hackathon returns - Spaziocrypto
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By Luna Saracino profile image Luna Saracino
5 min read

ETHRome 2024: Italy's first web3 hackathon returns

The Talent Garden in Rome will host the second edition of ETHRome, a festival entirely dedicated to web3 developers, organised by the Roman community urbe.eth.

The Talent Garden of Rome will host the second edition of ETHRome, a festival entirely dedicated to web3 developers, organised by the Roman community urbe.eth.

The first Italian hackaton on the web3 world

A unique event of its kind, especially in Italy, able to bring together the top experts in the sector to meet enthusiasts and curious people from all over the world. This is the spirit of ETHRome 2024, a real hackaton dedicated to the world web3, to its curiosities and its applications in every possible sphere of existence.

Urbe.eth, An Active Community in the Web3 World

How was urbe.eth born? The aim is to create workshops and opportunities for experts and enthusiasts to meet, both driven by one great and often shared desire: to simplify the enjoyment of online content, without necessarily having to 'stoop' to rules prescribed by others. Because a fair and democratic digital world is possible: you just have to learn to know it and govern it in the right way.

ETHRome 2024: respecting privacy first

In a way that Privacy is at risk and our sensitive data is at the mercy of the first wealthiest buyer, the purpose of digital realities living and moving on the web3 is also to create a safe, controlled, free environment that respects our privacy and allows us to move freely.

Urbe.eth was born, therefore, also with the desire to bring together web3 technology enthusiasts through meetings, workshops, and training courses. From this effort of experts in the field can only be born ETHRome, already in its second edition and destined to grow more and more.

ETHRome 2024 will bring together in one place everything related to the web3 world, starting from cryptocurrencies to blockchain technology and smart contracts. Lectures, workshops, live hacking sessions: the second edition of ETHRome, from 4 to 6 October at Rome's Talent Garden, promises its patrons a safe space in which to discuss and reason about the possibility of a new, different, possible web world.

ETHRome: a Festival Destined to Grow

The first edition of ETHRome hosted 143 hackers, more than 300 guests, from 6 to 8 October 2023, and was supported by 14 leading web3 companies, including Waku, ENS, Base and Railgun. In addition to this, the first edition of ETHRome also obtained support from the ESP (Ecosystem Support Program) of Ethereum Foundation, which allocated more than $80,000 in prizes and offered pasta, pizza and ice cream galore to event patrons.

For this new edition, we certainly expect a reception at the same level, if not even better. This second edition of ETHRome, which will take place from 4 to 6 October 2024 at the Talent Garden, will have as its main focus the respect and protection of the Privacy of online users, not to mention the issue of Account Abstraction, which is also so dear to the crypto world.

The Importance of Orivacy in the Web3 and Not Only

"This great theft of people's personal data also includes financial transactions - and not only. We have been naive. We did not realise that everything we said online would be recorded by someone else and used to feed our feeds on social and online". These are the words of David Chaum, founder of XX Network, the first and only privacy-focused, quantum-resistant blockchain ecosystem ever built. According to Chaum, multinational corporations interested in our data for personal profanity have no right to dispose of our privacy - and our freedom - as they please. That is why it is important for them to create a structure that protects the freedom of the individual while protecting their privacy as much as possible.

"The concept of privacy is something that has actually been with us for millennia, it is not an issue solely related to the digital world. On the contrary, it is something that has always affected the exchange between two people, both from a monetary and a personal point of view'. These are the words of Vitalik Buterin, Canadian computer programmer and co-founder of Ethereum: the right to privacy is something that has belonged to mankind since the dawn of time and a principle on which our society is based, regardless of exchanges and comparisons between people. It is therefore crucial to preserve this right by any means possible.

What to expect from ETHRome 2024

The second edition of Italy's most important hackathon promises to be one of the most interesting events on the topic of web3 - and beyond. In an attempt to replicate, and possibly surpass, the success achieved last year, the second edition of ETHRome will be packed with not-to-be-missed events, meetings and panels as food for thought and discussion and moments of relaxation and networking to create new thematic connections.

In the ETHRome spaces you will find:

  • a multifunctional and welcoming space such as the Talent Garden, in the heart of the Ostiense district, one of the most beautiful and evocative of the capital;
  • Meetings and Workshops with Hackers and Mentors, experts in the web3 sector, ready to tell you their experience and share their expertise with you;
  • a meeting point for making connections and networking, chatting freely about everything related to privacy and sharing your personal data online;
  • a food area and a relaxation area where you can relax during the day, between one event and the next;

ETHRome 2024: the Side Events not to be Missed

In addition, there are a number of side events to keep an eye on: the ETHRome staff is organising some very interesting events.

Urbe Campus

A real Boot Camp for scholars and enthusiasts, where developers and hackers can practice their skills in developing projects on Web3. Urbe Campus is a workshop in which you will be able to learn everything you need to realise projects for Web3 - even if you are a beginner.

The course will be in one of the venues dedicated to the Roman event - still to be defined specifically - and will last four days, from 30 September to 3 October.

September 30 - Intro
- Introduction to Ethereum and EVM environments
- Development Kit HardHat/Foundry
- Introduction to Solidity

October 1 - Solidity
- Structure of Solidity
- Creating Tokens with OpenZeppelin Contracts (ERC20, ERC721)
- HardHat Scripts and Testing
- Implementation on Testnet

October 2 - Frontend
- Designing a dApp with Scaffold-ETH
- Frontend Setup
- Connecting to Blockchain via View and Wagmi
- Reading and presenting data
- Writing Contracts

October 3 - Challenges
- Step by Step Solving of Speedrun Ethereum Challenge 1 via Scaffold ETH 2
- Hackaton Tips & Tricks

Ethereum AI Workshop

On 2 October, an intensive workshop dedicated to the infrastructures and applications that revolve around Ethereum will be held, organised and run by leading researchers and developers in the field, who will provide all the information needed to move nimbly in this world.

Two keynotes, still to be defined, will be held throughout the day on topics related to the AI-related crypto world, organised by Davide Crapis, researcher at the Ethereum Foundation and co-founder of PIN AI, and Matteo D'Andreta, co-founder of Brian.

Web3 Privacy Now Meetup

On 3 October, there will be a meeting with hacktivists, philosophers, lawyers, scientists, writers, founders and human rights advocates. They will discuss human rights and more: freedom of speech, digital privacy, Offline Activism Identity, digital communities, Open Source Software and surveillance policies imposed by capitalism.

Web3Privacy Now will, therefore, be a great opportunity to create connections and meeting points to discuss the state of the art in the web3 world and beyond, both from the perspective of privacy protection and freedom of expression in the digital world.

Farcaster Brunch Meetup

The blockchain-based and crypto-based social network Forecaster has organised a brunch meetup during the ETHRome days. This will be a good opportunity first of all to network, but above all to present Farcaster's projects and to hold a real workshop on the topic.

An unmissable opportunity for Italian hackers

An event like ETHRome is also a great opportunity for Italian hackers, who can take part in an event of international scope and thus get in touch with the leading figures in the field.

For this reason, the ETHRome team has launched a page dedicated to registrations, which you can also visit to request further information.

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By Luna Saracino profile image Luna Saracino
Updated on